A year in the life 2016 #110: this is a piece of the top of my head

2016-04-22 12.23.22Don’t ask.


But, if you must know, I was trying to get a picture of the seagulls which were hovering super close to our heads as we ate our lunch at Whyalla. Of course, it was impossible to get the timing right. So you are left with half my head and the blue sky.

To swim with sea lions and other Eyre Peninsula adventures

2016-04-19 12.56.01On the road, this time for a journey up one peninsula and down another.

2016-04-19 11.38.47First rest stop was the infamous Snowtown. We didn’t stay long, and we didn’t go to the bank.

2016-04-19 13.36.28For lunch we stopped at the top of Spencer’s Gulf – Port Augusta.

Visiting this part of the state gave me the chance to recall all my primary school geography to understand the industry in the area. It was fascinating to see the landscape change as we got further north, and the soil go red as we reached the iron rich areas. And then, as we drove south, for it all to change in reverse again.

Afternoon tea icecreams were had in Cowell. We made it to Port Lincoln as dusk was falling, ready for dinner.

James’ usual magic of finding the most hipster place nearby worked again and it was fancy milkshakes and haloumi for breakfast.

We did a compulsory jetty walk and the boys were fascinated by the large cargo ship being filled with grain over at the port area.

2016-04-20 12.03.15Despite the fact that the weather was rather grey, we went and checked out Fishery Bay. The boys loved the sandhills – there was sliding down them galore, leading to some very sandy boys.

2016-04-20 13.14.30The boys also caught some waves.

It was a bit cold me for so I went for a walk and collected shells.

We also stopped by Coffin Bay to admire its picturesqueness and, of course, walk on a jetty.

Managed to try out some local delicacies at dinner – the kingfish and blue fin tuna sashimi was an absolute highlight. The staff weren’t entirely used to children who eat sashimi and mussels.

We went and said hi to Makybe Diva on our walk home.

2016-04-20 20.09.28Breakfast again. The serves of pancakes were large enough to feed a small army. Sebastian managed to eat most of them though.

We headed to the marina and checked out the fishing trawlers.

2016-04-21 12.38.04Then it was time to get on board our boat and head out to meet the sealions.

We got thick wetsuits and so I didn’t feel cold at all really during our hour or so in the water. The small boys wetsuits weren’t as thick, and they are a bit more susceptible to the cold. Nonetheless, it was lovely fun swimming around with the sea lions. One of them chose to dance with me – we swam around each other in a circle and looked one another in the eye. They would chase, then disappear. It was fun to watch them wrestle under water together. A lovely experience.


It was then back on the boat and the ride home.

There was a beautiful moon and we ate take away pizza outside at the house where we were staying.

2016-04-21 18.22.04The next day we headed home again.

2016-04-22 11.09.02Our one stop was to eat lunch on the foreshore at Whyalla. Rarely have I seen a sea so flat.

We arrived home with lots of ideas about our next car trip adventure, so stay tuned!