Weeks! #32: Hobart Happies

2014-08-04 11.06.45One of the great things about the Tasmanian Hockey Centre is that it is only a 10-15 minute walk from the Newtown Jackman and McRoss. So on Monday and Tuesday when Sebastian had hockey games both in the morning and the afternoon, we spent a fair portion of the time in between enjoying the pastry and other delights Jackman and McRoss had to offer.

2014-08-05 12.08.21We had quite a spectacular view of Mount Wellington from our apartment, and we got to see the snowline slowly recede over the course of the week.

2014-08-04 14.13.48-1The sunsets were also rather beautiful.


When in Hobart, best to drink Tasmanian beer.

2014-08-04 17.43.53It was lovely to spend some time alone with Sebastian and really appreciate how much more grown up he is now (though there is still plenty of the boy in him). We had a couple of lovely dinners and lunches together with pleasant conversation, but also enjoyed curling up on the couch – him with the iPad and me with my book – and enjoying some quite time together.

2014-08-04 18.35.20Even if he isn’t always happy about having his photo taken.

2014-08-05 16.21.09Wednesday was the non hockey playing day, and Sebastian spent the morning with his teammates on an “educational outing” while I spent it mostly in bed reading. Bliss! In the afternoon we headed to Salamanca for some late lunch and a wander about.

We also popped into the Tasmanian Museum for a visit and were quite impressed by it.

James arrived Wednesday evening.

2014-08-07 17.49.46

We went out for dinner at one of the restaurants Sebastian and I had been eyeing off – beautiful local Tasmanian produce. James and I shared a lamb shoulder.

2014-08-06 19.33.28Out for breakfast the next morning before heading to the hockey centre.

2014-08-07 10.40.58Once the game was done, there was time to visit MONA. Again a great place to visit – terrific curation, interesting things to see, fabulous building.

Thursday night we had the fun of catching up with Sam and Tracey in the Coincidence of Us All Being In Tasmania At The Same Time. It was nice to be able to wish Sam a (slightly belated) happy birthday in person and consume more fabulous Tasmanian food.

It was up early for the final hockey game of the tournament.

2014-08-08 08.03.25After the hockey game, we took James to experience the joy of Jackman and McRoss for an early lunch.


Then, once the hockey was all done and the closing ceremony over, we hired a car and headed up Mount Wellington. Sebastian was keen to encounter snow for the first time. He enjoyed that experience.

We had Japanese for dinner and couldn’t resist the beer.

Saturday morning featured a compulsory visit to the Salamanca markets. I bought a new skirt, and the boys later surprised me with the gift of a gorgeous bag I had spotted at one of the stores.

While I have been to Hobart a number of times, I had never really been out of the city, so after Salamanca we headed to Port Arthur. It is an absolutely stunning spot – hard to imagine it has been the site of such violence both recently and in the past.

We started back before the sun set.

2014-08-09 16.13.59For our Saturday night entertainment, we found local roller derby action. The Van Diemen Rollers were playing the South Island Sirens, followed by a combined women’s team versus the Bass Strait Brawlers men’s team.

Sebastian was particularly impressed when he won a giant jar of lollies in a coin sliding competition.

2014-08-09 19.44.49Sunday morning we brunched at Salamanca before we had to say good bye to Hobart and head back to the mainland.

And while it was sad to end my week off, it was lovely to be reunited with Jude and Zachary.