2015 weeks! #39: lots of grown up time

2015-10-05 11.31.07Public holiday Monday morning, WFTDA playoffs on the internets, some lazing about.

2015-10-05 12.48.18Followed by Monday afternoon beers at Bentspoke with a revolving array of friends. Sometimes it is nice to be child-free.

In the child-free theme, on Tuesday we went for dinner and dessert with Rachel. We rather liked trying out White Rabbit, the new dessert and cocktail venue. Much deliciousness ensued.

Wednesday it was back to training. With the all-clear on my ankle, I am keen to at least start getting back into the skating habit.

Utilising child free time to the max, it was Thursday night dinner at Pulp Kitchen. My food was lovely, but James’ was not really up to scratch, so a little disappointing.

2015-10-09 10.50.59Day off on Friday to drive to the coast and collect the boys again. James is enjoying the compulsory road trip selfie, apparently.

2015-10-09 12.16.19I hadn’t down the trip down Brown Mountain before. Some lovely rainforest.

We had a bit of beach time with the boys.

2015-10-09 16.01.01Jackie had been busy with cthulhu production.

There was some spectacular cloudage on the way home.

Saturday involved some baking.

2015-10-10 20.43.59The baking and the rest of us were then off to try champagne cocktails at Dave and Caroline’s while watching classic 1970s British comedy. There were lots of giggles – both from the champagne and the comedy.

2015-10-11 14.44.16A stop at the market after Carnage training for fish (not these ones).

2015-10-11 15.36.02With the return of warm weather, the boys (including James) have started an ongoing backyard cricket campaign – tally of wins on the kitchen blackboard.

2015-10-11 16.57.38Gin and tonic time.

2015-10-11 17.49.28And finish the week with a lovely Noons.

A year in the life…day 268: dinner


When you have been out skating after a long (short) week of doing your boss’ job, there is nothing nicer than coming home to a lovely dinner of roast duck accompanied by a 1999 Noon Reserve Cabernet on a table decorated by flowers. Thanks James!