2015 weeks! #36: grand finals and other stuff

2015-09-14 08.33.43My Monday morning walk-to-school companion. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to school and then it takes me about 20 minutes to walk to work, which makes a decent morning walk. And much more pleasant now the spring is here.

2015-09-14 08.58.16And the Turner Parklands were looking especially magical.

2015-09-14 18.14.41Long day in the office. This week was to be super stressful at work as suddenly all the incoming Minister briefs had to be updated and somehow coordinating the whole thing fell to me for skills.

2015-09-15 08.43.00It was raining a bit Tuesday morning, so umbrellas for everyone.

Some time out of the office to take Sebastian for his final mould for his braces to go on the following week. He’s been very stoic about it all.

2015-09-15 20.30.06On the couch, watching the tv.

2015-09-16 12.16.09A crazy busy day at work. my new unicorn shoes helped me to get through it. Sebastian had made fun of my shoes, and told me that he was “sure your friends in kindy will like them.” Teenage sass.


Quick escape from the office Thursday for Chinese National Day celebrations. Got to hear the speeches, say hello to the appropriate people, but didn’t have time to stay for lunch.

Thursday night with most of the incoming Minister briefs done and dusted it was off to Adelaide where I caught up with the folks and then had a senior officials meeting before heading home less than 24 hours later.

2015-09-19 09.38.33Here are the boys. Serious business time as we headed to Jude’s grand final. He had already played, and won, the semi final that morning.

It was a close game and ended in a tie. Hockey ACT declared Joint Premiers, though we think Jude’s team should have taken the honours because they were higher on the ladder. But Joint Premiers is better than no premiers!

2015-09-19 10.58.40The medal presentation was after the match.

Jude was pretty pleased with the results of his first year back in hockey!

2015-09-19 11.16.302015-09-19 11.17.39When then had celebratory morning tea at LSR.

2015-09-19 11.31.39Meanwhile, the cthulhus were gathering. Who knows what plans for world domination they were hatching.

2015-09-19 12.41.45I got introduced to the household’s newest board game, Colt Express, which is rather fun, even if I appear to be somewhat hopeless at it.

2015-09-19 15.11.09

Jude and I then headed off to the CRDL derby so Jude could participate in a half time juniors demonstration match. Sebastian would have played too, but his ankle was playing up and he had a grand final of his own the next day.

2015-09-19 19.08.19Then it was home to watch some tv with George.

2015-09-19 22.23.47

Grand final number two for the weekend. Nick was there on godfather-equivalent duties to watch.

2015-09-20 10.02.10-1It was nailbitingly close for much of the game, but in the end Sebastian’s team took it out.

2015-09-20 10.10.002015-09-20 11.13.39Again, the presentation followed on quickly.

2015-09-20 11.33.04 2015-09-20 11.43.22And so both brothers came away Premiers!

2015-09-20 11.45.20After taking derby training for Carnage, it was back to end the week with some D&D.

2015-09-20 17.42.22