So many dishes! A typical dinner out in Korea

2015-06-23 19.32.07When I go to visit Korea, I usually get taken out to dinner by the Korean government. These dinners usually involve multiple courses of things delicious and also a few weird things. In the bottom right corner here is a cold sesame soup/porridge thing which was rather strange to say the least.

2015-06-23 19.35.59Others of the many dishes are quite delicious – this involving mushrooms and some soy bean thing.

2015-06-23 19.44.23This is a more fancy version of a Korean BBQ favourite, pork with kim chee and wrapped in a garlic leaf. So delicious.

2015-06-23 20.00.27Octopus, and salad, and another cold sesame soup with seaweed based noodles.

2015-06-23 20.09.56Beef bulgogi and the accompanying condiments.

2015-06-23 20.15.25And the main course of mushroom stew. There were a couple of things I didn’t photograph followed by fruit for dessert, but I do enjoy these many dish Korean meals with so many different flavours and textures.

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