Iron Chef Honey



After something of a break from Iron Chef during the Christmas/New Year season, it was time for the long awaited Iron Chef Honey. Beautiful summer weather made Steve and Shell's backyard the perfect setting for an afternoon of indulgence and, as a bonus, there were even new chickens to meet.

While honey beer and champagne with honey and strawberries kicked us off, Andrew v provided sustenance to the horde of small boys with his vegemite and honey toasts. while most of the adults declined in slight horror, the boys loved it, and Orwell even managed to mix in some dirt with his.

It seemed that we were much enamoured of the main course, so most of the food came in a group, although we did commence with ricotta, pear and honey, which was again popular with small boys, but this time delicious to adults also. The mains then included pork belly marinated in soy and honey, honey and orange roasted carrots and sweet potato, lamb tagine wiht honey and dates, chilli chicken with honey sauce accompanied by vegetable skewers, honey roasted beans and then, as a finale, rack of lamb with a honey marinade. Despite all the honey, the meal was not overpoweringly sweet, and the dishes, certainly as a whole, managed to find an excellent balance between sweet and savoury.

While the adults ate and drank, Sebastian and Jude found Jett from next door and engaged in some DS play to distract themselves, while Zac, having fought off monsters with the yellow fly swat, eventually settled for a bit of Star Wars viewing.

As a (somewhat dubious) palate cleanser, Jasmin had prepared us honey, lime and vodka jelly shots, which were actually remarkably tasty. Dessert then was an indulgence of baklava, donuts in honey and lemon curd slice (with lemon curd made from honey). Yum.

Another day of successful culinary experimentation, and, more importantly, eating achieved.

 We then later adjourned to our house for some zombie film viewing, but that is another story….


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One Response to Iron Chef Honey

  1. Yum. (And I don't even like honey…)

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